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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Estimating the height of a Mountain (or a Building)

 I recently watched Matt Parker's attempt to measure the Earth's radius with Hannah Fry. As always, Matt made it entertaining but there was something missing there which I wanted to share in this post.

I remember seeing the idea used in the video in History of Geodesy and the related idea of finding the height of a mountain by ancient mathematicians. The idea that I find the most problematic in the approach used in the video is the use of sextant in finding the tower's height.

In my opinion, parallax error induced in hand made sextants is difficult to control and can completely throw off estimates. While we can't do away with the sextant in finding the Earth's circumference, we certainly can do better in the other case.

All we need now is a pole of known length and two measurements using that pole as shown in the figure above. That is we first place the pole at some point and move ourselves into a position such that the top of the pole and the top of the coincide in our line of sight. Now repeat the same at a different point.

Let $OH$ be the height we are tying to measure. Let $AC=BD$ be the pole whose length we consider unity to simplify calculations. Now, ssing the similarity of triangles $OA'H$ and $OB'H$, we have

$$\displaystyle \frac{OH}{AC}=\frac{OB'}{BB'}=\frac{OA'}{AA'}=\frac{B'A'}{BB'-AA'}=\frac{B'A'}{B'A'-BA}=\frac{AB+BB'-AA'}{BB'-AA'}$$

which is an expression of length measurements. Not only do we avoid sextants here, we also don't have to worry about measuring lengths from the mountain's (or building's) base.

Note that $A'$ and $B'$ are the only measurement in the expression which is prone to error because of the parallax. If we let $OH=y$ and $BB'-AA'=z$, then we can rewrite the above as

$$OH=y=AC\cdot \left(1+\frac{AB}{z}\right)$$

Differentiating the above expression, we see that

$$\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dz}=-AC\cdot \frac{AB}{z^2}$$

This shows that if $z$ is too small (which means $AA'$ and $BB'$ are almost equal), then even a small change in $z$ would result in a large change in the height. So the best thing is to make the first measurement close enough to the mountain and the second measurement far so as to reduce this effect.

Because we rely on line of sight in finding both $A'$ and $B'$, we are interested in some sort of interval estimate for the height. To this end, we consider any measurements involving points $A'$ and/or $B'$ are independent Normal variables with variance $\sigma^2$. Now,

$$\displaystyle OH=AC \cdot \left(1+\frac{AB}{Z}\right)$$

where $Z =Z_{BB'}-Z_{AA'}\sim \mathcal{N}(BB'-AA',2\sigma^2)$.

Now to attain a confidence level of $\alpha$, we have

$\displaystyle \mathbb{P}(OH^{-} \leq OH \leq OH^{+})=\alpha$ where $\displaystyle OH^{\pm}=AC\cdot\left(1+\frac{AB}{BB'-AA' \mp z_\alpha \sqrt{2}\sigma}\right)$

Note that $z=BB'-AA'$ needs two measurements. We could alternately use a single measurement $A'B'$ which also is random with variance $2\sigma^2$. Practically though, as the two measuring points are far away, $A'B'$ will be long. In this case, we have,

$\displaystyle \mathbb{P}(OH^{-} \leq OH \leq OH^{+})=\alpha$ where $\displaystyle OH^{\pm}=AC\cdot\left(1-\frac{BA}{B'A' \mp z_\alpha \sqrt{2}\sigma}\right)^{-1}$

I plan to use this idea to estimate the height of a temple tower near my place. I'll update if I find anything.

Until then
Yours Aye

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