Monday, January 18, 2021

Probability on a standard deck of cards

I'm a great fan of Probability and Combinatorics. The question that we are going to solve in this post remains as one of my most favorite question in this area. I've been meaning to solve this one for so long and finally I'm glad I did in recently.

Consider a standard deck of 52 cards that is randomly shuffled. What is the probability that we do not have any King adjacent to any Queen after the shuffle?

Like I said, there were multiple instances where I used to think about this problem for long and then get distracted elsewhere. This time Possibly Wrong brought it back again to my attention. There is already a closed form solution there but I couldn't understand it. So, I decided to solve it Generating functions.

Stripping the problem down of all labels, the equivalent problem is to consider the number of words that we can form from the alphabet $\mathcal{A}=\{a,b,c\}$ with no occurrence of the sub-word $ab$ or $ba$. The $a$'s correspond to the Kings in the deck, $b$'s to the Queens and $c$'s to the rest of the cards.

Two important points here: First, We have to specifically find the number of words with 4 $a$'s, 4 $b$'s and 44 $c$'s. Second, convince yourself that both the problems are equivalent.

Pattern avoidance problems are easily tacked with the idea presented in Page 60 of 'amazing' Analytic Combinatorics.

Following the same, let $\mathcal{S}$ be the language words with no occurrence of $ab$ or $ba$, $\mathcal{T}_{ab}$ be those words that end with $ab$ but have no other occurrence of $ab$ and likewise for $\mathcal{T}_{ba}$ be those words that end with $ba$ but have no other occurrence of $ba$.

Appending a letter from $\mathcal{A}$ to $\mathcal{S}$, we find a non-empty word either in $\mathcal{S}$, $\mathcal{T}_{ab}$ or $\mathcal{T}_{ba}$. Therefore,


Appending $ab$ to $\mathcal{S}$, we either get a word from $\mathcal{T}_{ab}$ or a word from $\mathcal{T}_{ba}$ appending with $b$. Therefore,

$\mathcal{S}\times ab=\mathcal{T}_{ab}+\mathcal{T}_{ba}b$

Similarly, we have, $\mathcal{S}\times ba=\mathcal{T}_{ba}+\mathcal{T}_{ab}a$

The three equations in terms of OGFs become,

$S\cdot ab=T_{ab}+T_{ba}\cdot b$
$S\cdot ba=T_{ba}+T_{ab}\cdot a$

We have three equations in three unknowns. Solving for $S$, we get,

$\displaystyle S=\frac{1-ab}{(1-a)(1-b)-(1-ab)c}$

which should be regarded as the generating function in terms of variables $a$, $b$ and $c$. So the coefficient of $a^ib^jc^k$ gives the number of words that avoid both $ab$ and $ba$ using $i$ $a$'s, $j$ $b$'s and $k$ $c$'s.

The coefficient of $c^k$ in this generating function is elementary. We get,

$\displaystyle [c^k]S=\frac{(1-ab)^{k+1}}{(1-a)^{k+1}(1-b)^{k+1}}=\left(\frac{1-ab}{(1-a)(1-b)}\right)^{k+1}$

Something interesting happens here. We note that

$\displaystyle \frac{1-ab}{(1-a)(1-b)}=1+a+b+a^2+b^2+a^3+b^3+a^4+b^4+\cdots$

Therefore the coefficient of $a^ib^j$ in the expansion $[c^k]S$ above has the following interpretation: It is the number of ways that a bipartite number $(i,j)$ can be written as sum of $k+1$ bipartite numbers of the form $(u,0)$ and $(0,v)$ with $u,v\geq0$.

This can be achieved with simple combinatorics. Of the $k+1$ numbers, choose $m$ numbers for $i$. Distribute $i$ in those $m$ numbers such that each numbers gets at least $1$. Distribute $j$ in the remaining $k+1-m$ numbers.


$\displaystyle [a^ib^jc^k]S=\sum_{m=1}^i \binom{k+1}{m}\binom{i-1}{m-1}\binom{j+k-m}{j}$

There we have it!

But, wait a minute.. The final answer gives us a very simple combinatorial way of arriving at the answer. Just lay down all the $k$ $c$-cards. Now there will be a total of $k+1$ gaps between those cards. Choose $m$ among them and distribute the $i$ $a$-cards in those $m$ spaces such that each space gets at least one card. Now distribute the $j$ $b$-cards in the remaining $k+1-m$ spaces.

Knowing this, I feel stupid to have gone through the generating function route to get the solution. Grrr...

Anyway, to get the desired probability we use $i=j=4$ and $k=44$,

$\displaystyle \mathbb{P}(\text{No King and Queen adjacent})=\frac{4!4!44!\sum_{m=1}^4 \binom{44+1}{m}\binom{4-1}{m-1}\binom{4+44-m}{4}}{52!}$

which matches with the answer given in the quoted page.

One more small note before we conclude. Take any two Aces out of the deck. Now the probability of no King adjacent to any Queen in this pack of 50 cards is given by using $i=j=4$ and $k=42$ which is $\approx 0.499087$, surprisingly close to $1/2$. Very nearly a fair bet!

I'm convinced that the author of the page left the answer in a specific form as hint for someone attempting to solve the problem but it didn't help me. But I'm glad that I was able to derive a simpler form of the solution with some intuition on why the solution looks the way it does. Hope you enjoyed this discussion.

  1 - a - b - c + (a b (a - 1 + b - 1))/(a b - 1)), {a, 0, 4}, {b, 0, 
   4}, {c, 0, 44}]/Multinomial[4, 4, 44]
1 - N[%]
1 - NSum[Binomial[44 + 1, m] Binomial[4 - 1, m - 1] Binomial[
     4 + 44 - m, 4], {m, 4}]/Multinomial[4, 4, 44]
  1 - a b)/((1 - a) (1 - b) - (1 - a b) c), {a, 0, 4}, {b, 0, 12}, {c,
    0, 36}]/Multinomial[4, 12, 36]
1 - N[%]
1 - NSum[Binomial[36 + 1, m] Binomial[4 - 1, m - 1] Binomial[
     12 + 36 - m, 12], {m, 4}]/Multinomial[4, 12, 36]
  1 - a b)/((1 - a) (1 - b) - (1 - a b) c), {a, 0, 4}, {b, 0, 16}, {c,
    0, 32}]/Multinomial[4, 16, 32]
1 - N[%]
1 - NSum[Binomial[32 + 1, m] Binomial[4 - 1, m - 1] Binomial[
     16 + 32 - m, 16], {m, 4}]/Multinomial[4, 16, 32]

Until then
Yours Aye

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