Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Odd Sum

Someone in our puzzle group recently posted a question which asked to evaluate the following sum.


My first instinct was to check the sum with Wolfram Alpha which showed me that this sum equals $1/24$. This made me curious.

I recast the sum into the following form.


The individual terms reminded me of Lambert series which eventually led me into rabbit hole that is to be the content of this post.

Let's define the following function $f(q)$ such that

$\displaystyle f(q)=\frac{q}{1+q}+\frac{3q^3}{1+q^3}+\frac{5q^5}{1+q^5}+\cdots$


$\displaystyle -f(-q)=\frac{q}{1-q}+\frac{3q^3}{1-q^3}+\frac{5q^5}{1-q^5}+\cdots$

Expanding using the lambert series for divisor functions, we see

$\displaystyle -f(-q)=\sigma_{\text{odd}}(1)q+\sigma_{\text{odd}}(2)q^2+\sigma_{\text{odd}}(3)q^3+\cdots=\sum_n \sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)q^n$

where $\sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)$ where is sum-of-odd-divisors function.

The sum-of-odd-divisors functions is intimately tied to the number of representations of an integer by a sum of four squares (Jacobi four square theorem) and by sum of four triangular numbers (Legendre). See Analogues on two classical theorems on representations of a number and The Parents of Jacobi’s Four Squares Theorem Are Unique, for example.


\displaystyle -f(-q) &= \sum_n \sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)q^n \\ &=\frac{1}{24} \left[8\sum_{n\text{ odd}}\sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)q^n + 24\sum_{n\text{ even}}\sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)q^n + 16\sum_{n\text{ odd}}\sigma_{\text{odd}}(n)q^n \right] \\ &= \frac{1}{24}\left(\sum_n r_4(n)q^n+\sum_n t_4(n) q^n \right) \\ &= \frac{\vartheta_2(q)^4+\vartheta_3(q)^4-1}{24}\end{align}$

where $r_4(n)$ (and $t_4(n)$) is the sum-of-four-squares (and sum-of-four-triangulars) function, and $\vartheta_3(q)$ (and $\vartheta_2(q)$) is the third (and second) Jacobi elliptic function.

It is well known that

$\displaystyle \vartheta_3(q)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty q^{n^2}=\phi(q^2)\prod_{n \text{ odd}}(1+q^n)^2$ and 

$\displaystyle \vartheta_2(q)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty q^{(n+1/2)^2}=2\phi(q^2)q^{1/4}\prod_{n \text{ even}}(1+q^n)^2$

where $\displaystyle\phi(q)=\prod_{n}(1-q^n)$ is the Euler function.

Note that

$\displaystyle \prod_{n\text{ odd}}(1-q^n)=\frac{\phi(q)}{\phi(q^2)}$ and $\displaystyle \prod_{n}(1+q^n)=\frac{\phi(q^2)}{\phi(q)}$


$\displaystyle \vartheta_3(-q)=\phi(q^2)\frac{\phi(q)}{\phi(q^2)}\frac{\phi(q)}{\phi(q^2)}$ and $\displaystyle \vartheta_2(-q)=2\phi(q^2)(-q)^{1/4}\frac{\phi(q^4)}{\phi(q^2)}\frac{\phi(q^4)}{\phi(q^2)}$



Putting $q=e^{-\pi}$ in the above expression, we have


Using the special values of the Euler function, we see that $\displaystyle \phi(e^{-4\pi})=\frac{e^{\pi/8}}{\sqrt{2}}\phi(e^{-\pi})$


$\displaystyle\sqrt\frac{\vartheta_2(-e^{-\pi})}{\vartheta_3(-e^{-\pi})}=(-1)^{1/8} \implies \vartheta_2(-e^{-\pi})^4+\vartheta_3(-e^{-\pi})^4=0$

Returning to our expression for $f(q)$, we see that $24f(e^{-\pi})=1-\vartheta_2(-e^{-\pi})^4-\vartheta_3(-e^{-\pi})^4=1$

As $f(e^{-\pi})$ is essentially the sum that we started with, we finally see that



As an aside, we could probably arrive the result a little quicker by using some results like

$\displaystyle\lambda(-1+i)=\frac{\vartheta_2(e^{(-1+i)\pi})^4}{\vartheta_3(e^{(-1+i)\pi})^4}=\frac{\vartheta_2(-e^{-\pi})^4}{\vartheta_3(-e^{-\pi})^4}=-1$ (or) $G_1=1\text{ and }g_1=2^{-1/8}$

where $\lambda(n)$ is the Modular lambda function and $g\text{ and }G$ are the Ramanujan g- and G- functions. But I didn't want to bring in additional exotic functions into the problem especially when I can't find a source for the above values of these functions.

Hope you enjoyed this. See ya soon.

Until then, Yours Aye
